- Conventions
- Parameters
- Responses
- Error Codes
- Search Query Syntax
- Pagination
- Authentication
- Access Scopes
- User Info
- Endpoints
- Get license information
- Get remaining quota
- Get lifetime usage
- Assets
- Endpoints
- List project assets
- Get a project asset
- Create a new project asset
- Update a project asset
- Delete a project asset
- Jobs
- Types
- Evaluate Graph
- Evaluate Metrics
- Export to CLI File
- Export OpenVDB Volume
- Export Slices
- Export Triangle Mesh
- Sample Triangle Mesh
- Sample STEP File
- Extract Parametrization
- Parametrize by Face Label
- Compute Polycube Parametrization
- Compile Custom Shape
- Endpoints
- List project jobs
- Get a project job
- Create a new project job
- Update a project job
- Simulations
GET requests should send parameters as a query string following the URL, e.g. https://api.metafold3d.com/projects/1/assets/1?download=true
POST/PATCH/PUT requests should send parameters encoded as multipart/form-data
(as standard for HTML forms with a file part) or application/json
Response bodies are encoded as application/json
, including errors.
Error Codes
The API will respond with the following standard error codes unless specified otherwise.
Status code | Description |
400 | Bad Request. Usually indicates invalid parameters or request format. |
401 | Unauthorized. Access tokens without the required scope will also return this error. |
403 | Forbidden. Likely due to license usage limits being reached/exceeded. |
404 | Not Found. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Client errors (400
, 401
, 404
) will typically include a JSON body with a msg
field containing a human-readable description of the problem.
A request with invalid parameters may include more information in the form of a list of errors
"errors: [
"field": "type",
"msg": "Field is required",
Search Query Syntax
Lists of resources may be searched/filtered using the optional q
(query) parameter. The search query uses a simple syntax:
- Search terms must be in the form
- Valid values for
depend on the resource type, e.g. for Asset resources you may search thefilename
field query
is the search string. A wildcard*
may be used to match any sequence of zero or more characters. The search string may optionally be quoted.- The search term may optionally be preceded by a bang
to negate the filter - Some examples of valid search terms:
search for an exact matchname:*f*
search for any resource with “f” in the namename:"My Resource"
search for an exact match!name:"My *"
search for any resource that does not start with “My “- Multiple search terms may be applied using the
operator - Only resources that match ALL the terms will be included in the response
- e.g.
type:evaluate_graph AND state:success
search for successful Evaluate Graph jobs only
operator and grouping of search terms not currently supported. Support for searching numeric and date time ranges is planned.
All requests must be authenticated with an access token. Access tokens may be copied from the Account page in the app.
Access tokens should be included in the request header in the following form:
Authorization: Bearer $access_token
Where $access_token
is substituted with the token string.
One method to keep tokens safe from prying eyes is to retrieve them runtime by evaluating a (sub-)shell command:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ""$(pass show api/metafold3d.com)" https://api.metafold3d.com/
The above example uses pass, but any secure method of retrieving passwords on the command-line should work.
Note that if you have your shell history enabled, copying your tokens directly on to the command-line is also considered insecure—evaluating a shell command is different as the output of the command is not saved to history, only the command used to retrieve the token is saved.
Access Scopes
Scope | Description |
assets:read | Query project assets. |
assets:write | Make changes to project assets. |
jobs:read | Query project jobs. |
jobs:write | Dispatch new project jobs. |
User Info
Get license information
GET /user/license
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Field | Description |
issued | Issue time. |
expires | Expiry time. May be null for licenses without an expiry date. |
expired | Whether the license was expired at time of request. |
product | Name of license tier. |
Get remaining quota
GET /user/quota
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Field | Description |
project | Number of remaining projects. |
import | Number of remaining asset imports. |
export | Number of remaining asset exports. |
simulation | Number of remaining simulations run. |
Get lifetime usage
GET /user/usage
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Field | Description |
project | Number of lifetime projects. |
import | Number of asset imports. |
export | Number of asset exports. |
simulation | Number of simulations run. |
Assets are (typically) large binary files that either uploaded by users, or generated by jobs.
Field | Description |
id | Asset ID. |
filename | Asset filename (must be unique among other assets within the same project). |
size | Object size in bytes. |
checksum | Hash of object contents for checking integrity. |
created | Asset creation time. |
modified | Last modification time. |
List project assets
GET /projects/<project>/assets
OAuth Scope — assets:read
Request Parameters
Field | Description |
sort (Optional) | Sort string. Must be in the form field:order .
field may be one of: id , filename , size , created , modified .
order may be one of -1 for descending or 1 for ascending.
Resources are sorted in descending order by id by default. |
q (Optional) | Query string. See Search Query Syntax for details. Supported search fields are: id and filename . |
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
List of asset resources.
Get a project asset
GET /projects/<project>/assets/<asset>
OAuth Scope — assets:read
Retrieve the asset resource. To download the asset file, add the parameter download=true
to the request and follow the link
in the response.
Request Parameters
Field | Description |
download (Optional) | Boolean. Either “true” or “1” is accepted. Response will include a link URL to download asset from. |
filename (Optional) | String. Filename to give to the downloaded file. Useful for browser-initiated downloads. |
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Field | Description |
link (Optional) | URL to download asset from. The URL is only valid for 1 hour from the time of generation. |
… |
Create a new project asset
POST /projects/<project>/assets
OAuth Scope — assets:write
An upload file must be included in the request via multipart/form-data
. The filename for the asset is determined by the filename of the attached file.
Only the following file types are allowed:
(for file types without a registered MIME type, e.g. STL)
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
201 | Created |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Update a project asset
PATCH/PUT /projects/<project>/assets/<asset>
OAuth Scope — assets:write
Upload a new file for an existing asset. Note that the original file is first deleted. See the POST endpoint for guidance on file types.
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Delete a project asset
DELETE /projects/<project>/assets/<asset>
OAuth Scope — assets:write
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Jobs are responsible for consuming assets (typically specified via the job parameters) and generating zero or more assets. Each job resource contains a list of the assets it has created. Some jobs may also output additional metadata (meta
) which can be queried directly from the job resource.
Field | Description |
id | Job ID. |
name (Optional) | Job name. |
type | |
parameters | JSON object with parameters corresponding to job type. |
created | Job creation time. |
state | Either: pending , started , success , or failure . |
assets | List of generated asset resources. |
meta | Additional JSON metadata attached to the job. |
operator as the input point source, and output samples from a Threshold
operator. Some jobs may even require the indices of either of these operators as they will need to read or modify operator parameters for processing.Evaluate Graph
Evaluate any Metafold shape definition and store the results in Metafold output binary format. Binary output may optionally be zlib compressed.
Parameter | Description |
graph | JSON shape definition graph. |
compress (Optional) | Boolean. Defaults to false. Compress resulting binary blob (output .binz file instead). |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.bin /.binz | Metafold binary file. Graph output results.
Compressed results end .binz . The contents of the file must first be decompressed using zlib before it may be interpreted, see job notes. |
Evaluate Metrics
Evaluate the approximate interior volume and surface area of the implicit surface defined by the given Metafold shape definition. Units for the metrics depend on the configured project settings, e.g. if the project is defined in millimeters (mm), then the interior volume is assumed to be mm³ and the surface area mm².
Similar metrics may be computed on a meshed surface, but this method circumvents meshing entirely, which is more resource-efficient and faster in general.
Parameter | Description |
graph | JSON shape definition graph. |
point_source | Integer. Index of the input GenerateSamplePoints operator. |
save_graph_output (Optional) | Boolean. Defaults to false. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.bin (Optional) | Metafold binary file. Graph output results. |
Name | Description |
surface_area | Approx. surface area of shape. |
interior_volume | Approx. interior volume of shape. |
relative_density | Density (ratio) w.r.t. patch defined by the input GenerateSamplePoints operator. |
Export to CLI File
Create a Common Layer Interface (CLI) file for printing geometries.
Parameter | Description |
graph | JSON shape definition graph. |
point_source | Integer. Index of the input GenerateSamplePoints operator. |
layer_thickness | Float. The distance in millimeters between layers. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.cli | Generated CLI file in ASCII. |
Export OpenVDB Volume
Evaluate the implicit surface defined by the given Metafold shape definition and store the results as an OpenVDB volume. Until the 3MF Volumetric Extension has been finalized, there are no plans to support any other volumetric formats in the near term.
Parameter | Description |
graph | JSON shape definition graph. |
point_source | Integer. Index of the input GenerateSamplePoints operator. |
threshold_output | Integer. Index of the output Threshold operator. |
grid_name (Optional) | Name of the OpenVDB grid. Defaults to sdf . |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.vdb | OpenVDB file. Graph output results stored in a level set float grid with the background value set to the (positive) Threshold operator width. |
Export Slices
Slice the implicit surface defined by the given Metafold shape definition, usually for resin-based 3D printers, e.g. Stereolithography (SLA), Digital Light Processing (DLP). The slicing parameters define the slice planes used to sample cross sections of the implicit surface. The width of the slice planes (in world space) is determined by multiplying size_y
by the image aspect ratio () in order to maintain uniform scale and produce square pixels.
Each slice is a PNG bitmap with distance values less-than or close to zero are mapped to white (maximum luminance), and vice versa for values above zero.
Parameter | Description |
graph | JSON shape definition graph. |
point_source | Integer. Index of the input GenerateSamplePoints operator. |
image_width | Integer. |
image_height | Integer. |
size_y | Number. Size of slice plane along Y-axis, i.e. image height, in world space. |
slice_spacing (Optional) | Number. Spacing between slices along Z-axis. Must be non-zero. Defaults to 0.05. |
slice_count (Optional) | Integer. Number of slices along Z-axis. Multiple slices are stored in a ZIP archive. Defaults to 1. |
offset (Optional) | JSON list of three numbers. Translation offset in world space. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.png /.zip | PNG for a single slice. ZIP archive with PNG sequence for multiple slices. |
Export Triangle Mesh
Mesh the implicit surface defined by the given Metafold shape definition. The resolution of the output mesh is controlled by the resolution of the point_source
Parameter | Description |
graph | JSON shape definition graph. |
point_source | Integer. Index of the input GenerateSamplePoints operator. |
file_type (Optional) | obj , ply , stl , or 3mf . Defaults to stl . |
close_boundary (Optional) | Boolean. Defaults to true. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.obj /.ply /.stl | Generated mesh file. Type of file depends on the specified file_type . |
Sample Triangle Mesh
Sample the given triangle mesh asset on a regular grid to produce a volume asset (stored in Metafold binary output format). The grid is fitted to the exact (with optional padding) axis-aligned bounding box of the mesh.
The generated volume may be used in a handful of graph evaluation operations by first loading the asset using the LoadVolume
operator. The loaded volume may then be sampled directly with the SampleVolume
or ComputeNormals
operators, or used to accelerate the SampleTriangleMesh
operator when sampling the original mesh.
Parameter | Description |
mesh_filename | Mesh filename. This should correspond to the filename of an asset resource. |
max_resolution (Optional) | Integer. Maximum resolution along the longest axis. Resulting grid samples will be uniformly spaced. |
resolution (Optional) | JSON list of three integers. Sample grid resolution. |
padding (Optional) | JSON list of three numbers. Additional padding to extend the bounds in each direction by. |
⚠️ Either one of max_resolution
or resolution
must be supplied, but not both at the same time.
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.bin | Metafold binary file. Signed distances to the triangle mesh sampled on a regular grid. |
Name | Description |
graph | Metafold shape definition used to generate the volume asset. |
patch | Object with offset , size , and resolution of generated volume asset. |
Sample STEP File
Sample the given STEP (.step/.stp) file on a regular grid to produce a volume asset (stored in Metafold binary output format). The grid is fitted to the exact (with optional padding) axis-aligned bounding box of the mesh.
The generated volume may be used in a handful of graph evaluation operations by first loading the asset using the LoadVolume
operator. The loaded volume may then be sampled directly with the SampleVolume
or ComputeNormals
operators, or used to accelerate the SampleTriangleMesh
operator when sampling the original mesh.
Parameter | Description |
mesh_filename | Filename of STEP file. This should correspond to the filename of an asset resource. |
max_resolution (Optional) | Integer. Maximum resolution along the longest axis. Resulting grid samples will be uniformly spaced. |
resolution (Optional) | JSON list of three integers. Sample grid resolution. |
padding (Optional) | JSON list of three numbers. Additional padding to extend the bounds in each direction by. |
⚠️ Either one of max_resolution
or resolution
must be supplied, but not both at the same time.
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.bin | Metafold binary file. Signed distances to the triangle mesh sampled on a regular grid. |
Name | Description |
graph | Metafold shape definition used to generate the volume asset. |
patch | Object with offset , size , and resolution of generated volume asset. |
Extract Parametrization
Extract a parametrization used to produce conformal lattices (Guide — Conforming Lattices Alpha) from a PLY mesh asset. The PLY mesh is expected to have the following elements and properties:
Element name | Property name | Property data type |
vertex | u | float |
vertex | v | float |
vertex | w | float |
face | vertex_indices | int[3] |
Parameter | Description |
mesh_filename | Mesh filename. This can be found from the asset resource. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.ply | Extracted PLY buffer file. Compatible with the InterpolateBoundaryCoords operator. |
Parametrize by Face Label
Create a parametrization used to produce conformal lattices (Guide — Conforming Lattices Alpha) from a PLY mesh asset containing per-face labels. The PLY mesh is expected to have the following elements and properties:
Element name | Property name | Property data type |
vertex | x | float |
vertex | y | float |
vertex | z | float |
face | vertex_indices | int[3] |
face | material_index | uchar |
Parameter | Description |
mesh_filename | Mesh filename. This can be found from the asset resource. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.ply | Extracted PLY buffer file. Compatible with the InterpolateBoundaryCoords operator. |
Compute Polycube Parametrization
Compute a parametrization from a watertight triangle mesh, used to produce conformal lattices (Guide — Conforming Lattices Alpha).
Parameter | Description |
mesh_filename | Mesh filename. This can be found from the asset resource. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.ply | Extracted PLY buffer file. Compatible with the InterpolateBoundaryCoords operator. |
Compile Custom Shape
Compile custom shape code snippet. The compiled output may be used as shader_data
in the SampleCustomShape
with file_type
set to ShaderBinarySPIRV
. The snippet should implement a function with the signature float surface(in vec3 position
and return an indicator function where the interior points are , exterior points are , and points on the surface . The job will fail with a helpful error message if the shader compilation fails.
Parameter | Description |
snippet | GLSL code snippet. |
save_output (Optional) | Save output shader binary. Avoid saving intermediate compile tests if possible. |
Generated Assets
Name | Description |
.spv | Compile shader binary. Compatible with the SampleCustomShape operator. |
List project jobs
GET /projects/<project>/jobs
OAuth Scope — jobs:read
Request Parameters
Field | Description |
sort (Optional) | Sort string. Must be in the form field:order .
field may be one of: id , name , created .
order may be one of -1 for descending or 1 for ascending.
Resources are sorted in descending order by id by default. |
q (Optional) | Query string. See Search Query Syntax for details.
Supported search fields are: id , name , type , and state . |
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
List of job resources.
Get a project job
GET /projects/<project>/jobs/<job>
OAuth Scope — jobs:read
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body
Create a new project job
POST /projects/<project>/jobs
OAuth Scope — jobs:write
All jobs are processed asynchronously and return 202 Accepted
on success. 202 Accepted
only indicates that the request itself was valid and a job has been queued for processing. In order to monitor job status/progress, clients may poll the link
URL in the response body.
Request Parameters
Field | Description |
type | Job type name. |
parameters | JSON object with parameters corresponding to job type. |
name (Optional) | Label for the job. |
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
202 | Accepted. Response includes link URL to query for job status/progress monitoring. |
Response Body
Field | Description |
link | URL to query for job status/progress monitoring. |
… | Job resource. Some fields may be empty at time of acceptance. |
Querying the link
URL will similarly return 202 Accepted
if the job is still being processed. Otherwise the standard response status codes and body of a synchronous POST request should be expected. After receiving a response not equal to 202
, the link URL is no longer guaranteed to be available nor produce a meaningful response. Instead the resulting job should be fetched through the standard GET endpoint.
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
202 | Accepted. Job is queued/processing. |
201 | Created |
400 | Bad Request |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Response Body
Job resource on 201 Created
. Otherwise refer to the following table:
Field | Description |
state | Any of pending , started , progress , retry , failure , success . |
progress (Optional) | JSON object with count and total , useful for displaying progress feedback. Only available in progress state. |
Update a project job
PATCH /projects/<project>/jobs/<job>
OAuth Scope — jobs:write
Request Parameters
Field | Description |
name (Optional) | Label for the job. |
Response Status Codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK |
This endpoint uses the common error codes.
Response Body